In The Heart Of The Forest

Thank you for checking out my book In the Heart of the Forest.
I wrote this book with the hopes of helping anyone out there battling PTSD or trauma and have children
in their life to be able to have them relate to what it’s like fighting a silent battle. 

In 1994 I was involved in an attack in Ottawa, Ontario, where I was stabbed multiple times and almost
died. For many years, I suffered with PTSD symptoms and drank alcohol and ate horribly to escape. I did not know how to deal with anxiety, and drinking was my cure. For many years when I would see anyone that resembled the three guys that attacked me, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I’d either walk a different direction or sometimes if I was on public transportation I would just close my eyes. 
When I found out I was going to become a dad in 2013, I decided to seek some help about what I was
going through. 

The few sessions I went to helped me a lot and I was on the right path. In 2013, my
partner was eight months pregnant, and we were moving into a four-storey apartment. I was moving
boxes alone, one at a time, when three guys who looked like my attackers came towards me.
I was ready to fight them but then one of them said, “Hey, can we help you move some of those

They helped me for the next three hours, and it was a big wakeup call to me. As in the story I’ve
written, this was also Felix’s big realization.

Fast-forward to today and I have 95 percent good days, and my ten-year-old daughter is my world and
keeps me strong. She previewed this book and her reaction was amazing. She said, “Dad, is this why we
sit in the back row at church, as you’re afraid someone might attack you from behind?” I said, “Yes, and
it’s also still why sometimes dad might look like he’s in a daze or grumpy.” She replied, “Oh wow, I get it now.”
My goal is to get this book in the hands of veterans and first responders who are struggling with PTSD or anyone that’s gone through any sort of trauma. I hope it will help them.  
I would like to thank Bow River Books for the publishing and editing of this very special book. 
The Illustrations in this book were done by Jennifer Davidson from Claresholm, Alberta, whose work is
simply amazing. You can check out her Facebook page at Jennie’s Home Art Show.

If you've enjoyed this book or even if you haven't please leave an honest review on Amazon to help spread the word.  Thank You 
My story has been featured online. If you’re interested in learning more, the links are below.

If you are going through any distress, you can reach out to the following services:
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
9-8-8 Canada Helpline.

If you are charity looking to purchase books to use as a fundraiser please email
If you would like to purchase some books at cost to donate to a charity please also contact the email above.

Thank You.


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