The Great Race - Daddy & Me


The Great Race : Daddy & Me is a family book about a father's love for his daughter and using it as motivation to get healthy.

The Inspiration : In 1994 I was involved in a stabbing and almost died. As a result of my injuries and bad decisions I put on a lot of weight and was nearly 400lbs. One day my daughter who was 5 years old wanted to race me home from the park but I was unable to. The look in her eyes woke me up and this is our story.

Me and my daughters story was featured on Yahoo Canada :
Canadian father shares inspiration behind weight loss: 'All my daughter' (

A Teaser from the story:

Macy and her dad were having a great day at the park. Macy was so excited and said, “Daddy lets race home”. Due to her dad’s injuries and weight, he said “I’m sorry sweetie you know daddy can’t run.” The look of sadness in her face lit a fire in him like never before.

The days of disappointing her were over.

About The Book : The book is being illustrated by a 15 year old girl saving for art college. We have decided that all proceeds will be split between her and my daughter's education savings. We would also like to deliver some physical copies to school libraries, libraries and hospitals in the area.

Everything we make through this will help, specifically in these areas:
First print run of 1000 copies by Claresholm local press
Shipping and packaging by Canada Post

My daughter and I are looking for sponsors to help with the first print of our book.
I will be doing a Thank You page at the end of the book for anyone that join our project.

Thanks for reading if you'd like to contribute to our first print. My email is and also the same for PayPal.


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